Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 7 Term 4

What is learning?

10 weeks have passed since we started really talking about what we think learning is, thinking about our learing and reflecting on our learning

When I started talking and thinking about my own learning, this is what I thought learning was.

Learning is when you are taught or teach yourself to do something. You can have a discussion about it or just talk to someone about it.
I think that I am now much better at knowing what to do to improve my work. I also think that we talk about learning more in our class and I have never really done this before. I like it when Mrs. M tells us what we are learning and when we decide on what we have to do to be as successful as we can be.
We have been using Solo Taxonomy. This has been very useful to us because we would never have been able to improve in our learning if we didn't know how to use the different symbols to show how we think or show what we know. Solo Taxonomy helps us to develop skills that are very useful in our learning like talking about what we have to do to show our level of thinking and also making rubrics together so that we know what to do.

When we work with Mrs. M we make a rubric. Then after we have completed our work we discuss this with her and she talks to us about WTN next step We then go and try again. We can have as many tries as we like to get the best result and until we are happy with our work.

I am glad that Mrs Mitchell has taught us about Solo Taxonomy because it helps us to develop good skills that will help us throughout our whole time at school, helps us to improve our level of thinking and self asses our work.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Solo Taxonomy

Using Solo Taxonomy has helped us learn how to develop our skills at an Extended Abstract level. It helps us to know where we are with our learning and where to go next. It also helps us develop skills such as assessing where we will be at. Solo Taxonomy is a good way to help you work independently because, say you are writing a poem and the teacher was working with someone else and you were ready to show the teacher, you could rate yourself using Solo Taxonomy and then look at where you were and then write yourself a where to next. Predicting is another skill that you develop using solo taxonomy. Predicting is when you predict where you will be at at the end of the lesson. It helps you to reach your goal.
In maths we also use prediciting.
We had an inquiry on predicting and collecting data.
Here is my front cover:

We then had to write what we were going to find out, what our key question was and what our choices were. Here are my predictions:

We made a tally chart and then used our data to make a graph. At the end we had to write what we had found out. Then, we had to write if our predictions were correct.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Camp to Virginia Park Cattle Station

On the 29th of October, Year 4 went on a camp to Virginia Park Cattle Station. It was an exciting journey. We did an obstacle course in the cattle yard. I had lots of fun doing that. Then we went swimming in the green pool! We did cow milking. Lots of people wanted some milk. Then we did cow branding. I thought that it was really cruel. I did not want to watch it. At night we had a campfire. I toasted my marshmallow and put two biscuits around it. It was delicious.
Today Mrs M showed me how to make a Quick Time movie from our photos in iphoto. It was very easy. You just have to Export your slideshow. Then she uploaded the movie onto the internet so that I could get the embed code to put the movie on my e-portfolio.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Using Solo Taxonomy in Poetry

This term we have been writing Free Verse Poems. I wrote a free verse on hate. When I first wrote it, I only wrote 3 lines. Well, more likely, sentences. I rated myself at Multistructural. We talked about my where to next. Mrs M said to use these ides to form them into a poem.
Here is my first draft:

I wrote my poem a second time. I rated myself at Relational. Mrs M said that I was not quite there yet because I had started my lines off using I too many times and had no language features. We talked about my Where to Next. Mrs M said that I did not have many language features, that my ideas were now connecting and that I needed to be careful with using the letter I.
Here is my work:

The last time that I wrote my poem, I changed my 'I's to ing words. I also added some language features. I rated myself at Extended Abstract and Mrs M said that I was there. I was very happy and very proud of myself.
My final draft:

Here is my poem using Imagechef: Poetry Blender

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tuesday Week 4

This term we have been doing poetry writing. We have written Cinquain poems. Haiku Poems and Triangular Triplets. I wrote a very good Cinquain poem, about blue. I was at Extended Abstract by the time I finished writing "blue". I wrote "blue" a first time, but I was only at Multistructural, so I wanted to do better. I wrote it a second time, changing my choice of adjectives. I was really overjoyed when I wrote it. Then we started learning about adjectives. We did a circle map about what we knew about similes. I rated myself at extended abstract. My Mrs M said that I was really at Relational because I needed to still show new thinking or knowledge. We had to write a reflective sentence and this is what I wrote: I think I am here because I gave a few examples and I had reflected on where I had used them. A week later we had to do another circle map. I again rated myself at extended abstract. For my reflective sentence this time I wrote: I think that I am here because I have said the general things about similes, given 4 examples, reflected on where I had used them in my own writing and said how they could be used in other ways to colour writing. I am proud of myself for getting to here. On Monday we started learning about metaphors.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My learning with Web 2.0 tools

Today I learnt how to use a web 2.0 tool Image Chef. I also learnt how to put an Image Chef presentation onto my blog.

Imagechef to publish my poems

ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Using a web 2.0 tool Flower Text

Using Imagechef for Poetry Poetry Blender

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 7 Term 3

What is learning?
Learning is when you are taught or teach yourself to do something. You can have a discussion about it or just talk to someone about it.
How do I know that I am learning something during a task?
I know that I am learning something during a task because I feel like I know something more.
How do I know that I have learnt something after I complete the task?
I feel like I have been learning this subject for a long time and not that I have just learnt it.
What would could my teacher do to help me decide what I need to do next in a task?
I think that my teacher could talk to me and tell me what I need to have another go at, tell what me what I need to get better at and what I did well in.
These are the ways I like to learn the most:
Doing it in IT
Working in a group
Playing games

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mason, My Little Brother

I have a little brother named Mason. He is three years old and very cute. I love him lots. Mason told me to write about him so I did so that he would not feel unhappy or angry. When friends come over, I include him in as much as I can.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Did you know that I am an absolute bookworm? Yes, it's true, I love to read! Right now I am reading a book called Little Women. So far I am enjoying that book. I have also read books such as Miles To Go and Black Beauty.


 I have a dog named Pascall. She is a dalmation. I love her a lot. She is absolutely cute. Every afternoon I go outside and see her. She enjoys to be pet. She is 1 and turns 2 on August the 4th.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


This term, we learnt about plants and different environments. The things we learnt about plants were about planting a seed, germination, photosynthesis, seed dispersal and pollination. I liked learning about plants because it was interesting. We also learnt about different environments. The different environments are rainforests, wetlands, deserts and mangroves.This term I have achieved both of my goals. I have improved my computer skills quite a bit. Next term I would like to do my management plan without having to go back and do it again. Last weekend we went to Cairns. It was very exciting because we got to go to the lagoon on the Esplanade. When we went there we went to DFO. I got some Smiggle things. Next term in SOSE I would like to learn about global issues. I would also like to learn how to put movies and sounds on my blog. I did Art Club this term and made two masks, a wire seahorse, a block print and a face print. I did Athletics club this term and it was very nice. Next week it is the Athletics carnival. We made posters for Drug Awareness week. I really appreciate having Mrs M as my teacher. Mrs M said that I am spelling like a 16 year old! I really was stoked when I heard that. This term we learnt how to write narratives really well. On Wednesday, I had to do a science test. I think I did quite well. In maths we learnt our six times tables. In Basic Facts, I did not do very well. In art, we painted Maui and The Sun pictures. I like going to school because you can learn a lot. We had to do a project on a rainforest plant and I chose the Cycad. One day I would like to go out to the Great Barrier Reef. My favourite animal is the seahorse. I also really like Meerkats. It is nearly the holidays. Hurrah! Overall, I have really enjoyed this term and I am enjoying school a lot.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This week was Drug Awareness week. This week we learnt about safety with medicines and how to put someone in the recovery position. When you take medicines you should always have an adult with you. Make sure you take the right amount. Don't mix medicines together. Keep your medicines in a cool place.

The recovery position is putting their hand in the how position, putting the hand that is furthest away on their cheek, lifting their leg up, rolling them on their side, checking their breathing and then putting their leg back down and then bending it up so they don't roll again.

Monday, May 25, 2009


This term we learnt how to write narratives. The language features we have been learning about are similes, direct speech and adjectives. The structure of a narrative has an orientation, a problem, a sequence of events and a resolution. This is my story:

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yesterday, my class went to the Palmetum. We went to the Palmetum because we are learning about plants. It was very fun. There were lots of different environments. Some of the environments were the Savannah, Rainforest and Wetlands. My group and I saw some butterfly's, dragonfly's and spiders. I learnt about all the different plants and and environments. There was a lot of palms and flowers. We had to draw a plant in the Savannah. I chose a big tree that had large leaves that were good protection. The plants were all very nice.   

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Symmetrical Quilt

At school, we are making a symmetrical quilt. It has to be symmetrical on each side.

Blog Session With My Daddy

Today, my daddy came to school and we learnt how to do computer blogging.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have learnt a lot in term 1 this year. I have learnt about culture and different cultures, Cyclones, Townsville, Crocodiles and Australia. This term, my typing skills have improved a lot. I have found many things interesting such as Indonesian. I really
enjoyed term 1 in year 4. I didn't really find anything difficult, because I am a smart and clever student. Next term I would like to do a project (with a partner) about another country or continent. The continent I would like to do the project about would be Europe. I would like to improve my neatness in my handwriting. Mrs M is a really fun teacher. Next term, 4m is going on a excursion all around Townsville. On the last day of term, it was Grandparents and Special Friends Day at school. I sang in the choir and with my class. For choir, we sang May You Always Have A Song and Rockin' Robin. With my class, I sang South Australia and Banana. I love updating my blog, because I can tell the world about what I have been doing in class and at school. Term 1 was a great term. I have made heaps of friends in term 1. I am only new to the school. We made Easter baskets in class. I have heaps of eggs in my Easter basket. Did you know that crocodiles don't really like human meat, they prefer animal meat? I know all about crocodiles because we did "so you think you can write" about crocodiles. We have been doing sport. For sport we have been practicing the Cross Country Course.
See you and chat to you all next term.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My learning in wk 9

In 4M, we have been learning about the history of Townsville. The History of Townsvillle goes back to 1770, when Captain James Cook sailed through, naming coastal features such as Cleveland Bay, Cape Cleveland and Magnetic(al) Island.
We have also been learning about cyclones. Cyclones are powerful rotating storms. They have strong rotating winds, rain, thunder and lightning. Cyclones winds blow in a spiral around the calm centre called the eye. A wall of the thunder - clouds called the eye wall surround the eye. In maths Brianna, Brendon and I do different maths to the rest of the class. We have been doing guessing and checking. Our class is making a time capsule that will be put in the wall linings of the new classrooms. In class we have been reading a book called BOY OVERBOARD. It is about 2 children from Afganistan - Jamal and Bibi- who are really poor and decide to move to Australia. The next step for my learning is to do a project about another country.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I think that bullying is when someone has power and uses it over and over again on someone weaker. In 4m, we have been learning about bullying and types of bullying. The types of bullying are Physical, Verbal, Threats, Stealing, Gestures, Exclusion and the last type, Emotional Bullying.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Term 1 2009

I am a Year 4 student at a school in Australia. This is my blog and I will show my learning for this year.