Thursday, November 12, 2009

Solo Taxonomy

Using Solo Taxonomy has helped us learn how to develop our skills at an Extended Abstract level. It helps us to know where we are with our learning and where to go next. It also helps us develop skills such as assessing where we will be at. Solo Taxonomy is a good way to help you work independently because, say you are writing a poem and the teacher was working with someone else and you were ready to show the teacher, you could rate yourself using Solo Taxonomy and then look at where you were and then write yourself a where to next. Predicting is another skill that you develop using solo taxonomy. Predicting is when you predict where you will be at at the end of the lesson. It helps you to reach your goal.
In maths we also use prediciting.
We had an inquiry on predicting and collecting data.
Here is my front cover:

We then had to write what we were going to find out, what our key question was and what our choices were. Here are my predictions:

We made a tally chart and then used our data to make a graph. At the end we had to write what we had found out. Then, we had to write if our predictions were correct.

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